Our Blog
See below for an opinion on current matters around the world.
Biopharmaceutical industry comes through in dealing with Ebola
History Repeats with the Release of the 2019 WHO Essential Medicines List
HTA 2.0: time for a reboot
Five generations in the workplace: a moment in history
UHC and medicine price transparency feature at 2019 World Health Assembly
How do we turn the tide?: Winning the measles vaccination debate
The WHO’s Essential Medicines List: Changing the Conversation
The NHS 10-year plan: more artificial intelligence, less pigeon resuscitation
Targets, takeovers and Tomb Raiders: things to watch in 2019 global health policy
Universal health coverage and health technology assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa
Doing it for Jane: eradicating tuberculosis
Access Accelerated: NCDs and the pharmaceutical industry’s coming of age
Can we handle a cure?: the politics and economics of hepatitis C treatment
The NHS – what lessons from a 70-year-old system of universal health coverage?
To price or not to price, that is the question
Don't forget the future: Alzheimer's disease and the economics of drug development
World Health Assembly: a change in the air?
Anti-vaxxers should read Roald Dahl
Universal health coverage needs a new political campaign
Disruptive innovation in the health sector – are we ready for it?